To enroll your child(ren) in Chabad of Boca Raton Central Hebrew School all forms must be submitted with the required fees.
Enrollment is considered to be for the entire school year. The school cannot issue refunds or credits for illness, holidays, family vacations, or early withdrawal. In the event that the school is closed due to or resulting from a weather emergency or other unforeseen circumstances, there will be no make-up days, refunds or credits for days that school is not in session.
Upon processing a tuition payment, if sufficient funds are not available or the credit card is not approved, your account will be charged $25 for each transaction that could not be processed.
Parent(s) acknowledge that Chabad Hebrew School serves children who are able to function successfully in a group setting. If, in the judgement of the school's Director, the child is not able to function in a group setting, the parent may be asked to withdraw the child. In the event that the parent is requested to withdraw the child, the Director will work with the parent to identify possible alternative programs suitable for the child.
We give permission for the use of photographs of our child(ren) in print materials, on our website, social media and/or emails. Last names of children are never listed.
We give permission for our name and telephone number(s) to be included in any class list that may be distributed.